Advanced queries are supported. Available fields: text, name, set, expansion, format, from, into, type, color, rarity, number, weakness, resistance, has, pokedex, artist
Can combine multiple fields, examples:
  • professor format:standard all professor cards in standard
  • text:"GX" type:supporter supporter cards that reference GX
  • color:r weakness:L fire pokemon with lightning weakness
  • (set:bs OR set:ju OR set:fo) AND rarity:rare rare cards in Base Set, Jungle or Fossil
  • text:"show it to your opponent" -text:"your hand" exact terms, except the latter term (- means NOT)
Colors: R (Fire), L, G, F, W, P, C, D, M, N (Dragon), Y (Fairy) Operators: AND (default), OR, NOT Please reach out to axpendix to help improve this documentation. For the tech savvy, the search was implemented by Lucene, full docs to the QL.
Hoppip (EVS 2)
Skiploom (EVS 3)
Jumpluff (EVS 4)
Vaporeon VMAX (EVS 30)
Feebas (EVS 37)
Milotic (EVS 38)
Wishiwashi (EVS 46)
Flabébé (EVS 71)
Floette (EVS 72)
Florges (EVS 73)
Sylveon V (EVS 74)
Sylveon VMAX (EVS 75)
Marshadow (EVS 80)
Medicham V (EVS 83)
Rayquaza V (EVS 110)
Rayquaza VMAX (EVS 111)
Zygarde (EVS 118)
Rapid Strike Scroll of the Flying Dragon (EVS 153)
Vaporeon V (EVS 172)
Sylveon V (EVS 183)
Sylveon V (EVS 184)
Medicham V (EVS 185)
Medicham V (EVS 186)
Rayquaza V (EVS 193)
Rayquaza V (EVS 194)
Sylveon VMAX (EVS 211)
Sylveon VMAX (EVS 212)
Rayquaza VMAX (EVS 217)
Rayquaza VMAX (EVS 218)
Inteleon (EVS 227)
Grookey (CRE 16)
Thwackey (CRE 17)
Rillaboom (CRE 18)
Blaziken V (CRE 20)
Blaziken VMAX (CRE 21)
Sneasel (CRE 30)
Weavile (CRE 31)
Tapu Fini (CRE 40)
Sobble (CRE 41)
Drizzile (CRE 42)
Inteleon (CRE 43)
Rapid Strike Urshifu (CRE 44)
Blitzle (CRE 50)
Zebstrika (CRE 51)
Zeraora V (CRE 53)
Inkay (CRE 69)
Malamar (CRE 70)
Diglett (CRE 76)
Dugtrio (CRE 77)
Passimian (CRE 88)
Metagross V (CRE 112)
Metagross VMAX (CRE 113)
Zangoose (CRE 120)
Kecleon (CRE 122)
Brawly (CRE 131)
Echoing Horn (CRE 136)
Rapid Strike Scroll of the Skies (CRE 151)
Siebold (CRE 153)
Spiral Energy (CRE 159)
Blaziken V (CRE 161)
Zeraora V (CRE 165)
Zeraora V (CRE 166)
Metagross V (CRE 181)
Brawly (CRE 188)
Siebold (CRE 198)
Blaziken VMAX (CRE 200)
Blaziken VMAX (CRE 201)
Metagross VMAX (CRE 208)
Brawly (CRE 212)
Siebold (CRE 221)
Echoing Horn (CRE 225)
Fan of Waves (CRE 226)
Carnivine (BST 9)
Remoraid (BST 36)
Octillery (BST 37)
Empoleon V (BST 40)
Shinx (BST 46)
Luxio (BST 47)
Luxray (BST 48)
Mienfoo (BST 76)
Mienshao (BST 77)
Falinks (BST 83)
Rapid Strike Urshifu V (BST 87)
Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX (BST 88)
Fan of Waves (BST 127)
Korrina's Focus (BST 128)
Rapid Strike Scroll of Swirls (BST 131)
Rapid Strike Style Mustard (BST 132)
Tower of Waters (BST 138)
Rapid Strike Energy (BST 140)
Empoleon V (BST 145)
Empoleon V (BST 146)
Rapid Strike Urshifu V (BST 152)
Rapid Strike Urshifu V (BST 153)
Korrina's Focus (BST 160)
Rapid Strike Style Mustard (BST 162)
Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX (BST 169)
Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX (BST 170)
Korrina's Focus (BST 174)
Rapid Strike Style Mustard (BST 176)
Octillery (BST 178)
Rapid Strike Energy (BST 182)