Advanced queries are supported. Available fields: text, name, set, expansion, format, from, into, type, color, rarity, number, weakness, resistance, has, pokedex, artist
Can combine multiple fields, examples:
  • professor format:standard all professor cards in standard
  • text:"GX" type:supporter supporter cards that reference GX
  • color:r weakness:L fire pokemon with lightning weakness
  • (set:bs OR set:ju OR set:fo) AND rarity:rare rare cards in Base Set, Jungle or Fossil
  • text:"show it to your opponent" -text:"your hand" exact terms, except the latter term (- means NOT)
Colors: R (Fire), L, G, F, W, P, C, D, M, N (Dragon), Y (Fairy) Operators: AND (default), OR, NOT Please reach out to axpendix to help improve this documentation. For the tech savvy, the search was implemented by Lucene, full docs to the QL.
Chaotic Swell (CEC 187)
Clay (CEC 188)
Cynthia & Caitlin (CEC 189)
Dragonium Z: Dragon Claw (CEC 190)
Erika (CEC 191)
Great Catcher (CEC 192)
Guzma & Hala (CEC 193)
Island Challenge Amulet (CEC 194)
Lana's Fishing Rod (CEC 195)
Lillie's Full Force (CEC 196)
Lillie's Poké Doll (CEC 197)
Mallow & Lana (CEC 198)
Misty & Lorelei (CEC 199)
N's Resolve (CEC 200)
Professor Oak's Setup (CEC 201)
Red & Blue (CEC 202)
Roller Skater (CEC 203)
Rosa (CEC 204)
Roxie (CEC 205)
Tag Call (CEC 206)
Unidentified Fossil (CEC 207)
Will (CEC 208)
Cynthia & Caitlin (CEC 228)
Guzma & Hala (CEC 229)
Lillie's Full Force (CEC 230)
Mallow & Lana (CEC 231)
N's Resolve (CEC 232)
Professor Oak's Setup (CEC 233)
Red & Blue (CEC 234)
Roller Skater (CEC 235)
Rosa (CEC 236)
Giant Hearth (CEC 263)
Great Catcher (CEC 264)
Island Challenge Amulet (CEC 265)
Lana's Fishing Rod (CEC 266)
Lillie's Poké Doll (CEC 267)
Martial Arts Dojo (CEC 268)
Power Plant (CEC 269)
Tag Call (CEC 270)
Aether Foundation Employee (SMA SV81)
Cynthia (SMA SV82)
Fisherman (SMA SV83)
Guzma (SMA SV84)
Hiker (SMA SV85)
Lady (SMA SV86)
Aether Paradise Conservation Area (SMA SV87)
Brooklet Hill (SMA SV88)
Mt. Coronet (SMA SV89)
Shrine of Punishment (SMA SV90)
Bill's Analysis (HIF 51)
Blaine's Last Stand (HIF 52)
Brock's Grit (HIF 53)
Brock's Pewter City Gym (HIF 54)
Brock's Training (HIF 55)
Erika's Hospitality (HIF 56)
Giovanni's Exile (HIF 57)
Jessie & James (HIF 58)
Koga's Trap (HIF 59)
Lt. Surge's Strategy (HIF 60)
Misty's Cerulean City Gym (HIF 61)
Misty's Determination (HIF 62)
Misty's Water Command (HIF 63)
Pokémon Center Lady (HIF 64)
Sabrina's Suggestion (HIF 65)
Giovanni's Exile (HIF 67)
Jessie & James (HIF 68)
Blaine's Quiz Show (UNM 186)
Blizzard Town (UNM 187)
Blue’s Tactics (UNM 188)
Bug Catcher (UNM 189)
Channeler (UNM 190)
Cherish Ball (UNM 191)
Cherish Ball (UNM 191a)
Coach Trainer (UNM 192)
Dark City (UNM 193)
Ear-Ringing Bell (UNM 194)
Flyinium Z: Air Slash (UNM 195)
Giant Bomb (UNM 196)
Giant Hearth (UNM 197)
Great Potion (UNM 198)
Grimsley (UNM 199)
Hapu (UNM 200)
Karate Belt (UNM 201)
Misty's Favor (UNM 202)
Normalium Z: Tackle (UNM 203)
Poké Maniac (UNM 204)
Pokémon Research Lab (UNM 205)
Reset Stamp (UNM 206)
Reset Stamp (UNM 206a)
Slumbering Forest (UNM 207)
Stadium Nav (UNM 208)
Tag Switch (UNM 209)
Unidentified Fossil (UNM 210)
U-Turn Board (UNM 211)
Blue’s Tactics (UNM 231)
Channeler (UNM 232)
Coach Trainer (UNM 233)
Grimsley (UNM 234)
Misty's Favor (UNM 235)
Poké Maniac (UNM 236)