Advanced queries are supported. Available fields: text, name, set, expansion, format, from, into, type, color, rarity, number, weakness, resistance, has, pokedex, artist
Can combine multiple fields, examples:
  • professor format:standard all professor cards in standard
  • text:"GX" type:supporter supporter cards that reference GX
  • color:r weakness:L fire pokemon with lightning weakness
  • (set:bs OR set:ju OR set:fo) AND rarity:rare rare cards in Base Set, Jungle or Fossil
  • text:"show it to your opponent" -text:"your hand" exact terms, except the latter term (- means NOT)
Colors: R (Fire), L, G, F, W, P, C, D, M, N (Dragon), Y (Fairy) Operators: AND (default), OR, NOT Please reach out to axpendix to help improve this documentation. For the tech savvy, the search was implemented by Lucene, full docs to the QL.
Mr. Briney's Compassion (DR 87)
TV Reporter (DR 88)
Lanette's Net Search (SS 87)
Wally's Training (SS 89)
Lady Outing (RS 83)
Professor Birch (RS 89)
Lady Outing (MODRS 83)
Professor Birch (MODRS 89)
Professor Oak (MODGBBS 88)
Relic Hunter (MODSKR 120)
Apricorn Maker (MODSKR 121)
Desert Shaman (MODSKR 123)
Fisherman (MODSKR 125)
Silver (MODSKR 127)
Oracle (MODSKR 138)
Underground Expedition (MODSKR 140)
Forest Guardian (MODAQP 123)
Juggler (MODAQP 126)
Pokémon Fan Club (MODAQP 130)
Seer (MODAQP 133)
Town Volunteers (MODAQP 136)
Traveling Salesman (MODAQP 137)
Bill's Maintenance (MODEXP 137)
Copycat (MODEXP 138)
Mary's Impulse (MODEXP 142)
Professor Elm's Training Method (MODEXP 148)
Professor Oak's Research (MODEXP 149)
Pokémon Collector (MODEXP 167)
Imposter Oak's Madness (MODN4 98)
Falkner (MODN1 83)
Eusine (MODN1 86)
Kurt (MODN1 87)
Youngster Joey (MODN1 92)
Professor Elm (MODN1 96)
Lorelei (MODIMP 172)
Bruno (MODIMP 173)
Agatha (MODIMP 174)
Lance (MODIMP 175)
Gary Oak (MODIMP 176)
Ash (MODIMP 177)
Professor Oak (MODIMP 178)
Imposter Oak's Revenge (MODIMP 180)
Nurse Joy (MODIMP 181)
Officer Jenny (MODIMP 183)
Mr. Fuji (MODIMP 185)
The Eevee Brothers' Wager (MODIMP 186)
Ritchie (MODIMP 187)
Professor Ivy (MODIMP 188)
Lass (MODIMP 189)
Samurai (MODIMP 190)
Rocket's Ace in the Hole (MODIMP 202)
Underground Expedition (MODIMP 226)
Lance (MODG2 140)
Bruno (MODG2 141)
Agatha (MODG2 142)
Officer Jenny (MODG2 143)
Gary Oak (MODG2 144)
Lorelei (MODG2 145)
Sabrina's Manipulation (MODG2 154)
Professor Oak's Research (MODG1 138)
Copycat (MODG1 139)
Forrest (MODG1 140)
Nurse Joy (MODG1 141)
Professor Ivy (MODG1 142)
Ritchie (MODG1 143)
Ash (MODG1 144)
Imposter Oak's Revenge (MODTR 76)
Rocket's Ace in the Hole (MODTR 96)
Professor Oak (MODBS2 116)
Mr. Fuji (MODFO 58)
Underground Expedition (MODFO 68)
Samurai (MODJU 67)
The Eevee Brothers' Wager (MODJU 68)
Professor Oak (MODBS 88)
Relic Hunter (SKR 120)
Apricorn Maker (SKR 121)
Desert Shaman (SKR 123)
Fisherman (SKR 125)
Oracle (SKR 138)
Underground Expedition (SKR 140)
Forest Guardian (AQP 123)
Juggler (AQP 126)
Pokémon Fan Club (AQP 130)
Seer (AQP 133)
Town Volunteers (AQP 136)
Traveling Salesman (AQP 137)
Bill's Maintenance (EXP 137)
Copycat (EXP 138)
Mary's Impulse (EXP 142)
Pokémon Nurse (EXP 145)
Professor Elm's Training Method (EXP 148)
Professor Oak's Research (EXP 149)