Muk & Alolan Muk-GX (UNB 61)
Severe Poison
Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Poisoned. Put 8 damage counters instead of 1 on that Pokémon between turns.
Poison Absorption
If your opponent's Active Pokémon is Poisoned, heal 100 damage from this Pokémon.
Nasty Goo Mix GX
Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned. If this Pokémon has at least 4 extra Energy attached to it (in addition to this attack's cost), put 15 damage counters instead of 1 on that Pokémon between turns. (You can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)
weakness: x2
resistance: none
retreat cost: 4